Thousands of us around the world wake up every day with a common purpose: to make the world a safer, more secure and sustainable place. Science is in our DNA; we are endlessly curious and passionate about seeking and speaking the truth. We take delight in knowing that our work makes a meaningful contribution to society, and we are proud that our culture is centered on integrity, collaboration, inclusion and excellence. UL stands at the forefront of technological advancement, and we are continually challenged to find new ways to foster innovation and positive change. Satisfying? Yes. Exciting? Absolutely!
- 根据测试标准、作业指导书和设备使用说明的要求对样品进行测试,计划测试,评估测试结果,并报告意见和现象。
- 对员工进行测试设置和测试方法的培训,与主管或实验室资深工程师一起审查测试,在规定的责任范围内进行最低限度的监督。
- 操作指定的机器和特殊的实验室设备,对指定的测试设备和实验室区域进行日常维护。
- 协助资深测试工程师就标准更新提出建议,或开发和验证新的测试方法。
- 与相关部门人员沟通,提供与设备需求相关的建议,并对新设备的设计提出建议。
- 为实验室的其他人提供培训和协助。
- 本科及以上学历,理工科背景。
- 英语读写流利,通过英语四级,六级者更佳。
- 良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神。
- 拥有一年以上相关行业检测经验。