Terms of Reference
: Mid-term Review of the 167 Program 2021 - 2025
: Department of Local Economic Cooperation of MPI
: Vietnam
Project number
: 23MPI-9450
Assignment number
: ACT.16841/MPI
: July – December 2023
Senior Cooperative advisor
: Le Anh Tuan
1. Background
Decision No. 167/QD-TTg by the Prime Minister approving the program on "Selection, improvement and replication of effective new-type cooperative model in localities across the country in the period 2021-2025" dated February 3, 2021 (hereafter named 167 – Program). The Overall goal of this program were: (i) Provide a practical basis for effective new-type cooperatives, contributing to the successful implementation of the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws; (ii) Build models of cooperatives to become models to propagate, raise awareness and create attraction for people, organizations, and businesses to join and associate with cooperatives; (iii) Serve as a basis for replicating new models of cooperatives that operate effectively in many fields, promoting the development of the collective economic sector and cooperatives nationwide. The specific objectives of the program by 2025 were (i) Select at least 300 cooperatives/union of cooperatives to participate and operate under 12 models of the Scheme; (ii) 100% of the total number of pilot cooperatives operate with high efficiency and are rated as Good, with 80 points or more according to the Circular No. 01/2020/TT-BKH?T dated February 19, 2020, of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). Planning and Investment on cooperative classification and evaluation guidelines; (iii) Develop a plan to replicate effective cooperative models nationwide for a period of 5 years (2026-2030) based on a summary of the Scheme.
Up to date, 62/63 provinces and cities in whole country has issued decision approved the Program "Selection, improvement and replication of effective new-type cooperative model in localities across the country in the period 2021-2025’’ in each province/city. To review the first implementation phase, MPI, the focal Ministry to support Government to implement 167 – Program of the Prime Minister plan to organize a midterm review (MTR) to evaluate the implementation of the program in the localities, advantages, difficulties and content of problems, solutions to address these difficulties, from which to develop a preliminary report and propose the Government on appropriate policies to support the pilot cooperative model in phase 2.
The Stichting Agriterra Organization, Netherlands (Hereupon mentioned as Agriterra) is requested by the Department of Local Economic Cooperation, MPI for the Technical Assistant (TA) and co-financing for TA activities. Agriterra engage in this activity aimed at influencing MPI and Governmental agencies at the central and meso level in support agriculture cooperative nationwide. Agriterra will involves direct communication with policymakers, organizing survey, consultation workshop and providing evidence and recommendation to persuade government allocate sufficient technical advice, loan, and grant to the selected cooperatives.
To get full insights about implementation situation in the localities, advantages, difficulties and content of problems, solutions to overcome difficulties of the 167 - Program in the first phase, thereby developing a preliminary report, proposing the Government on appropriate policies to support pilot cooperative model phase 2. Agriterra is seeking a group of consultants to co-undertake midterm review for the 167 - Program in period of 2021 – 2025.
2. Objective of the assignment and key audience
The ultimate goal of mid-term review is to assess the progress to date, provide lessons learnt and strategic recommendations to inform interventions and practical approaches towards achievement of the program set objectives as well as sustaining of the program impact.
Specific objectives:
The specific objectives of the MTR are to:
- Assess the program progress to date towards targets of specific objectives, results, outputs, and its overall objective (after the 2 - year period of program implementation).
- Identify unexpected or unplanned factors that may prevent the program from achieving its objectives as well as opportunities to promote and speed up the achievement of program’s positive outcomes and impacts.
- Provide lessons learnt to date and specific recommendations on how to inform future implementation and improve program delivery/approaches and partnerships, including necessary adjustment and supplementary interventions in the remaining period of the project.
- Review and revise project’s M&E system including its indicators and plan for accountability and learning purposes, particularly, the impact indicators should be carefully reviewed against the updated and actual context of the program.
Audience: The key audience of the MTR is the program implementing organizations (MPI and all department of Planning and Investment (DPI) in provinces/cities for the program. The MTR report will also be shared with relevant stakeholders, partners, and the program benefiting communities.
3. Implementation Methodology
This assignment will be undertaken by twofold, which the desk-research, online interview, and field study to key selected farmers, cooperative, institutions, and government agencies.
The consultant is recommended to apply a participatory approach of evaluation using a range of both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection where appropriate. This will include the field survey in six provinces of three regions of Vietnam (02 in the North, 02 in the Central and 02 in the South regions of Vietnam); Meetings with selected cooperatives under 167- Program in each province, partners and related stakeholders, in addition to a desk review of program documents and reports.
The MTR process should incorporate the perspectives of different stakeholders, including but not limited to, small-scale producers, collectors/middleman, processors, new-type agriculture cooperatives, financial institutions, local government institutions, local/national partners. Collected data and findings should be disaggregated by sex, age, ethnicity, disability, and key actors in the agriculture and cooperative sector.
The consultant(s) is expected to carry out the following work:
(i) Document reviews and design review scope of work:
- Brief meeting with MRT team to get deep understanding on the 167 - Program.
- Analysis/review of existing and relevant documents such as the 167 - Program documents (Decision No. 167/QD-TTg, all relevant issued decision of Provincial People’s Committee (PPCs) at of all provinces and cities, and all relevant reports from each province), baseline reports and other program survey/study reports. This desk review will identify data gaps and inform the scope of the field work.
- Agree on workplan with Agriterra and MPI team including detailed methods (qualitative/quantitative, number of working days, budget, and plan etc.).
- Design MTR protocol including sampling strategy, the survey approaches and method, data collection tools, detailed fieldwork plan, analytical framework, and quality control measures.
(ii) Conduct primary data collection in the field with support from 167- Program focal team in MPI and in each selected province. It is expected to collect both quantitative & qualitative data that might include:
- In-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders, including program implementation partners from central to local levels.
- Cooperative interview/surveys; using structural questionnaires and analytical frameworks for key actor of the agribusiness cooperative sector.
- Focus Group Discussion.
- Stakeholders’ consultation meeting.
- In-depth interview 03 cooperatives (01 per region) and develop case study: New-type typical cooperative (build success stories)
(iii) Data analysis and report writing
- Analyze data and review field notes.
- Write the draft mid-term review report.
- Conduct consultation meeting with MTR teams and key partners on the key findings and to consolidate comments/inputs for report finalization.
- Finalize the mid-term review reports (in both English and Vietnamese).
(iv) Consultation workshop organization
- Support to organize 02 regional consultation workshops on sideline assessment before the preliminary conference and to collect comments/inputs for proposed report (Full support).
- Support to organize 01 national consultation workshop to review the program, participate in thematic report: report writer (full support).
4. Key study questions
The MTR will conduct critical analysis of the following aspects.
Recommended Questions
Achievement of program
- Verify the mid-term values of program’s specific objectives and results, including both quantitative and qualitative indicators and assess in the relation to the program set targets.
- What are the major factors influencing the achievement or under - achievement of outcomes/specific objectives and results? What can we learn from this?
- What areas of weakness are there in the program? How should we address them?
Relevance of the
- How consistence is the program design and strategy with local development policies and priorities?
- How the program’s objectives and approach meet the actual needs and context of the local cooperatives, local farmers and social - economic development of each locality?
Efficiency of the
program implementation
- Have the implementation mechanisms been appropriate to achieve the expected
results? What should be adjusted to improve the implementation of the program? - Are results being delivered in an economic and timely way?
Effectiveness of produced outputs and outcomes
- What is the linkage between produced outputs with specific objectives and expected result? What works and what may not work? What is the level of contribution of program results towards objectives at different levels?
- Whether produced outputs are sufficient to produce expected results? And whether the produced results would contribute to the achievement of expected objectives?
- What change (positive or negative, direct/indirect, intended/non - intended), if any, has happened as a result of the 167 - program?
- What should the program do (stop, start, continue doing) to maximize the chances of the program sustainability (positive results, increased capacity in others, etc.)?
- How relevant are the changes to local context? What is sustainability and potential for scale up of the created changes?
- Based on MTR findings, is any adjustment of interventions/strategies required as compared to the approved program document, any improvements of the program monitoring and evaluation system?
- Is there a need to reformulate program targets to fit with development, promotion and actual scaling up of the New-Type Cooperative Model and the available resources of project?
- What further improvement in the design, implementation deliver, and resourcing of the program to increase effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and impact in the coming phase of implementation?
5. Expected deliverables
The study will provide the following deliverables:
Tentative deadline
Data collection tools and set of raw data set
4th August 2023
Conduct interviews based on defined questions (will follow the report structure and information to be collected)
18th August, 2023
The success story of the success cooperative developed
24th August, 2023
First draft report of the review
15th Sept, 2023
One face-to-face debriefing representing key findings of MTR for further consultation with program staff and MPI
19th Sept, 2023
The 2nd version of revised MTR report and PowerPoint presentation
11th Oct, 2023
Consultation workshop organized (01 national level and 02 at the regional level)
15th Nov 2023
The final MTR report with an executive summary of the MTR report highlighting key findings and recommendations (in English and Vietnamese).
22nd Dec 2023
5. Team composition
Composition of the Agriterra assignment team:
a. Tuan Le Anh, Senior CA Vietnam, MTR Leader
b. Tran Quang Dieu - Team member
c. Thai Hong Lam – Team member
d. 02 policy consultants
e. MPI team (05 experts of the Local Economic Cooperation Department)
6. Duration and location of the assignment:
- The time frame of the assignment will be 03 months, from July to October 2023.
- Location: 04 provinces in the North; 02 provinces in the Central and 02 provinces in the South region of Vietnam (specific province to be defined by MIP).
7. Consultancy Arrangements:
- Number of consultancy days for this MTR is 40 working days.
- Fees: following Agriterra standard cost norms for consultant fee and reimbursable costs.
- Type of contract: An umbrella contract with be signed with the lead consultant, on behalf of the whole team. The contract will include PIT number of each team member. Agriterra will pay individuals, based on the consultancy days specified in the agreed timetable.
8. Required Qualifications
The consultant team will report to Agriterra lead advisor in charge and work closely with the MTR team (Agriterra and MPI). The consultants should:
- Hold relevant background in one of the following majors: social sciences, agriculture, economics. Master’s degree in the field is preferred.
- Policy Expertise: In-depth knowledge and understanding of cooperative policies and regulations in Vietnam is essential. Familiarity with the specific objectives, frameworks, and implementation mechanisms of the new type of cooperative program will enable the consultant to effectively evaluate its progress.
- Policy Analysis: Strong analytical skills are crucial for assessing policy effectiveness, identifying gaps or shortcomings, and providing evidence-based recommendations for improvement. A consultant should be proficient in conducting policy research, data collection, and evaluation techniques.
- Evaluation Methodologies: Proficiency in evaluation methodologies and tools is necessary for assessing the program's outcomes and impacts. The consultant should be familiar with quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods, data collection techniques, and sampling approaches relevant to cooperative development and rural programs.
- Data Analysis and Interpretation: Strong analytical skills are vital for analyzing program data, interpreting findings, and drawing meaningful conclusions. The ability to use statistical software, conduct data triangulation, and apply appropriate analytical techniques will enhance the accuracy and reliability of the midterm review.
- Report Writing: Have excellent Vietnamese and writing skills of English. Strong writing skills are necessary for producing clear, concise, and well-structured reports that present findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Consultants should be able to convey complex information in a reader-friendly manner and tailor their writing to the intended audience.
- Be committed to and able to meet the deadline, strong analytical skills, and documentation skills.
9. Proposal submission
Proposal should include:
- Introduction of the Consultant team’s members profile and related experience.
- A short technical proposal in achieving all expected objectives within mentioned timeframe.
- Sample(s) of an MTR report for similar tasks.
- An application, CVS and proposal should be submitted in English by email with subject mentioning “167 – Program Midterm Review” to vietnam@agriterra.org
The closing date for application: 17.00pm, 23rd July 2023.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for an interview.